Thursday, January 13, 2011


this poem wouldnt let me copy it and it was way too long to write sorry guys

one on my fav poems <---- click on that.

The first stanza reminds me a lot of the Maya Angelou's poem "Life doesn't frighten me at all" and a poem called "Please dont take my air jordans away"  These poems remind me of the poem above because all these poems have a special structure. "Please dont take my air jordans away" has a rhyming structure and so does the Maya Angelou poem. so THIS poem reminds me a lot of those poems.

After reading this poem, more than once, i noticed that this poem sounds like its rhyming but actually its not. The poem just uses words that sound similar and it makes it seem like its rhyming. I guess that it is a rhyming poetic trick because I did not notice that at first. Poetry and Poems in general is a mystery the poem wont just tell you what they are trying to do or what they are talking about you have to solve the mystery to truly understand the poem.

 Right away without even reading the title, I totally knew what this was about. The first stanza gave it away, and that's the good thing about poems because in books usually the beginning doesnt tell you the plot or the conflict its usually in the middle of the book and in poems, they are short and usually in the beginning of the poem. If i would to write a part 2 to this poem i would try to do my best to try to use the same structure that this anonymous poet wrote like.

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